I'm off to Australia in 5 Weeks!

In about 5 weeks I'm off to Australia for a 7 week vacation!  I'll be spending 4 weeks in Perth, WA and 3 weeks in Melbourne, VIC.  I'm so happy & grateful to be spending it with my loved ones there! I went there 2 summers ago and can't wait to spend more time there.  Granted I'm going during their winter season, but I still quite enjoy what the country has to offer.

It really is a BIG country.  I always find this image funny because when I would explain Australia to a (geographically challenged) friend.  She was so confused that it was as big as it was in land mass.  We even sat down and used a map scale to measure the width of the country and we found it was a thousand miles or so smaller than the U.S.

You always hear the most random and bizarre things about Australia.  I love when my friend tells me of all the random things she does/gets into while in Melbourne.  I've visited other places before and every one of them I felt like a tourist (as I probably should).  However, when I spent a month in Australia (OZ) last time, I felt different.

It's a long trip, but so worth the 30+ hours travel time (for me).  You should seriously consider visiting one day!