I am not a fast reader at all! When I got my hands on this book, I couldn’t put it down! I was done within 2-3 days. Blog, Inc. by Joy Deangdeelert Cho is such an easy read with tons of inspiring information. It was great to learn new things in the blogosphere that I have never heard of and be exposed to some great sites with inspirational stories of their success. I never thought of my blog as a “business,” so it was great reading about taking it to the next level. I highly recommend every blogger, and non-bloggers, to pick up this book.
Here’s what I’ve learned from each section:
- Introduction to Blogging - Contact blogging community via email, friendly hello. Leaving comments on other blogs.
- Finding Your Voice & Niche - Check other blogs with similar content to avoid an oversaturated category. Provide the readers with something different and it fills a void. Be true to yourself and always have content that reflects yourself.
- Powering Your Blog - Use about your About Me section to introduce yourself and explain the inspiration behind your blog. Surround yourself with inspiration outside your blog (diary, mood boards, etc.) Posting regularly. Plan ahead with future posts and establish a creative workspace at home.
- Blogging Community Etiquette - Contacting fellow bloggers with a genuine email expressing how much you enjoy their blog. Exchange blogroll links. Initiate blogger meetups for face to face connections.
- Making Your Blog a Business - get a business license, business bank account, and trademark your blog's name.
- Monetizing Your Blog - SEO (search engine optimization): using short dashes to separate keywords, crosslinking old entries with similar posts, using tags.
- Next Stage of Blogging Growth - taking classes, meeting up with fellow bloggers, interact with others, change of scenery, move around, reduce your number of posts to avoid feeling burnt out.
- Resource List - Tons of helpful links and blogs to check out.
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