Getting My Teacher Groove Back On

I'm currently super excited because I got to be back in the classroom after nearly 5 months of waiting and looking for work in Australia.  It took nearly 2 months to process my paperwork and get registered.  Once I got approved we found out we were moving from Perth and the schools were currently on school holidays while we waited to move.

After a short week of emails to schools in this area, I got a call back for the school within walking distance for me and got to get to work the day after I had a meeting.  They're very friendly and seem eager to let me work at the school.  (They called me later in the week to schedule 3 days this coming week!)  I had another meeting later this week with a school a little further away, but still within the area.  They instantly booked me for 5 days this month.

I'm hoping these two schools will keep me busy enough as other schools are nearly an hour drive away.  I've got my fingers crossed for full-time work next year, but I may have to sort my Visa situation before that's allowed and it may also take a while.  For now, I'm happy for the relief work and to be in the classroom again.  Looks like this move was an all around good choice!


  1. Oooh, good job on getting booked for work :) I hope you have fun and that the kids love you!

    1. Thank you! I'm really hoping I can get a full time job for next year. *fingers crossed*

  2. omgosh! That's so exciting, Stephanie! I'm really excited for you! Still haven't received your letter though! I hope to get your new address soon so I can send you a Christmas package!

    1. So bummed that letter never made it. I just worked on another letter/Christmas card, I'll be sending it out this week. If I forget, remind me to message you my new address on Facebook.
