Friday Inspiration: Beach Love

From the ages of 4-11 I grew up in Hawaii because my father was in the armed services.  We were lucky enough to stay two back-to-back terms there and my childhood was awesome!  I'll have to discuss that in another post, because this post is about the beach!

Why do we love the beach?

1. You can rest & relax.  
The beach has always been a place to relax and feel calm by sitting on the sand and listening to the waves crash and caress against the shore.  You can just sit there and watch the world around you or shut it out by tuning out everything and get lost into a book.  I can easily go to the beach by myself and just be alone, but not feel lonely.

2. Gives you a place to spend with loved ones. 
Beach time was always the place and time for our family to spend time with one another.  We used to go to the beach nearly every weekend and I couldn't imagine my childhood without it. 

3. Feeling the warmth on your skin.  
I'm a girl of the warmth and sunshine, and even though I can adjust to the cold, I still feel out of place. I've been anxiously waiting for spring to come around here just to go to the beach.  I always feel better and healthier the more time I spend outside. Maybe it's the vitamin D?

I'm sure there are tons of reasons why we all love the beach, but those are my Top 3!  Do you love the beach? What are your reasons why?

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