2014 Goals

Happy February to you!  First off, I want to apologize for the lack of posts for the past two months.  I had my boyfriend visit from Australia for most of the break and then had my wisdom teeth removal surgery.  I'm hoping to spend more time with posts this year and update more frequently!  *fingers crossed*  I'm working on some posts this week, so make sure to check back (or follow on Bloglovin) for updates!

Happy Belated New Year!  I hope everyone had a wonderful time ringing in the New Year!  Did you make any resolutions?  I have a few goals I want to work on this year:
  1. Get Creative! Continuing this goal from last year.  I was more creative with my blog, posting more regularly than usual.  I want to continue with this (working on posting at least twice a week) and explore more.  I want to work on doodling more, working and trying new creative outlets (crafts, photo projects, illustrating on the computer, and more).  I got to work on a creative plan, step by step.  I tend to work best with steps to reach a goal.

  2. Get Moving!  I can say I've been wanting to move and experience a new place.  I've seen friends move on to new places and I enjoy seeing and hearing about their adventures.  I'm ready for a new one!  I'm only scared about feeling homesick, but I'm hoping as long as I keep in contact with home and enjoy all that the new home has to offer, then I'll be good.  I'm in the works to move in June.  (More information to come in another post.)

  3. Find Inspiration in Life! I've said this before as something I've wanted to do, but I want to get a small (nice quality) point and shoot camera and take it with me everywhere.  I want to feel less scared of taking pictures in public and take more and more pictures to help inspire me.  (Mainly for the blog, but creatively in life as well.)  I love seeing everyone's pictures on Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, and blogs.  I'm hoping this will get my creative juices flowing and allow me to gather inspiration from various places.

  4. Get Organized!  I've been in this organization kick recently and I want to keep it going.  My work life is very organized this year than it has in the past, and surprisingly this is shocking for a teacher.  (Even though it's partially our job to be organized.)  I've let this habit trickle into my everyday life, and I have to say it's making a difference with everything.  I'm getting less forgetful and getting more things done early.

What are your goals for the new year?
How is it going so far?


  1. Welcome back! It looks like you were having lots of fun (besides the surgery) and I'm glad you're back to posting.

    Moving somewhere new is exciting! I want to move too but now I have a husband that has to be on the same page as me lol so I don't think that's going to happen.

  2. Thanks! Yep, working on plans to move in just a few months! It's getting real and more exciting!

    Well, at least now you have a wonderful travel buddy! Sometimes you don't have to move, just go a see as many places as you can! :)

  3. I had been wondering where you were! Definitely missed your posts and excited that you're back :)
